Bring A Project To Upcycle – Absolutely ShabbyLass Request A Quote

Bring A Project To Upcycle






Fancy having a go at upcycling your very own piece but not sure where to start?

Try one of our classes, where Maria will guide you through everything you need to know to bring new life to a tired piece of furniture to brighten up a dark space in your home.

We will go through every stage needed from cleaning and prep right through the sealing your newly painted work.

The price you bring, needs to be light enough the you can carry yourself without help, so something around the size of a bedside table, dining chair or similar. You can even bring a couple of much smaller pieces if you prefer. Your piece does not need to be wood as we can Upcycle pretty much anything, please just give us a heads up before hand when you book so I can be sure it’s okay and we have all the materials necessary to help you with your transformation on the day.

Light refreshments will be supplied on the day but feel free to bring your own lunch if you like.

Classes are kept to a maximum of 4 so that we all have adequate space.

Sorry, this event is expired and no longer available.
Total Places Available 4 (3 places available)

Event Schedule Details

  • 17/07/2024 10:30   -   15:30
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